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Education and Training Opportunities
Addressing BurnoutThe American Psychiatric Association has well-being resources, including 10 free TED Talks for when you feel burnt out. Check them out here.
Lessons from the Field Addressing BurnoutThis webinar describes the drivers of work life balance, the role of leadership in addressing burnout, the seven key steps for organizational well-being, and hear from colleagues across the country who are working to combat burnout and thrive.
Psychiatric News Wellness and Burnout SeriesTake advantage of this free webinar series addressing physician wellness and burnout. Key topics include burnout at an institutional level, burnout and wellness from an ethics perspective, practicing mindfulness, self-care, suicides among young physicians, and avoiding isolation.
Practical PlaybookPractical Playbook
The Practical Playbook helps primary care and public health groups work together to improve health across the broader population and reduce the costs to achieve it. PHRASES Toolkit
he PHRASES Toolkit has evidence-based tools and strategies to help public health professionals communicate more effectively. Get framing recommendations, sample emails, answers to tough questions, tested messaging, and more.
HHS Think Cultural HealthThe Health and Human Services Think Cultural Health series are continuing education e-learning programs designed to help professionals provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services. Free continuing education credit hours available.
DATA 200 WaiverThis is a free training to obtain a DATA 2000 Waiver, which allows eligible disciplines to deliver medication-assisted treatment (MAT).
Summer Health Professions Education Program
The Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) is a free summer enrichment program focused on improving access to information and resources for college students interested in the health professions.
NACCHO Roots of Health Inequity
The Roots of Health Inequity is an online learning collaborative. The site offers a starting place for those who want to address systemic differences in health and wellness that are, actionable, unfair, and unjust.
Training Opportunities for International Students in United StatesThe United States allows eligible international students and new graduates the opportunity to gain on-the-job-learning that supplements knowledge gained in their academic studies. Choose from Optional Practical Training for F-1 Students, Curricular Practical Training for F-1 Students, Practical Training for M-1 Students, or F-1 Students and Entrepreneurship.
More Education and Training Opportunities
National Maternal and Child Health Workforce Development Center
The National MCH Workforce Development Center provides workforce development tools in the areas of change management/adaptive leadership, evidence-based decision making, and systems integration. Community Anti-Drug
Coalitions of America (CADCA) The Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America offers several free training resources to continue building skills and knowledge related to alcohol, tobacco or other drug misuse |
Midwestern Public Health
Training Center (MPHTC) The MPHTC develops education and training programs to meet identified needs of the public health workforce. |